Mineralogical Society
The Morris Museum Mineralogical Society (MMMS) was founded in 1971 to promote interest and education in the various earth sciences and, in particular, the subjects of geology, mineralogy, paleontology, lapidary and related subjects.
The MMMS holds meetings monthly except in July and August. Most meetings feature a speaker who delivers an illustrated lecture, and topics are suitable for all ages. Members receive and are welcome to contribute to a monthly newsletter, and the club may sponsor a field trip or two per year.
The society also hosts two mineral shows yearly: the Annual Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show is held the first Saturday in August and Rock and Mineral Weekend is a three-day event held on Thanksgiving weekend at the Museum.
For more information about membership in the club and its activities, email [email protected]
Astronomical Society
The Morris Museum Astronomical Society (MMAS) was formed over 50 years ago to provide education and resources for those in New Jersey and beyond who have an interest in astronomy.
The society meets for programs on various topics in astronomy at the Morris Museum on the second Saturday of the month except for July and August.
The MMAS hosts and participates in regular Outreach observing sessions throughout the year, as well as science-related programming at the Morris Museum. See our Google calendar.
For further information, see the Astronomical Society website and follow the Society’s Facebook page for updated information.