November 18, 2022–ongoing
The Morris Museum acquired several key works from A Cache of Kinetic Art, a four-part juried exhibition series hosted by the museum from 2018—2022. Established and emerging artists offered contemporary interpretations of 19th-century mechanical music, automata, and the art of timekeeping.
Nearly one hundred individual kinetic artworks were created by forty-eight artists, virtually all drawing correlation to, and/or inspiration from, the Murtogh D. Guinness Collection of Mechanical Musical Instruments and Automata. Our first exhibition, Curious Characters (2018), demonstrated how contemporary world views inspired both Victorian-era and 21st century artists. Simply Steampunk (2019) focused on technology and the mechanics of motion. In Tiny Intricacies (2020), artists investigated scale in design and composition. Our recent exhibition Timeless Movements (2022) showcased twenty-six national and international artists who explored time and space in kinetic art in unique ways.
Two works by artist Walter Rossi (b. Italy, 1951) exemplify the creative energy and vitality of kinetic art.